Source code for

# Copyright (c) HySoP 2011-2024
# This file is part of HySoP software.
# See ""
# for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import math, os
import numpy as np
import sympy as sm

from hysop import main_rank
from import IOParams
from import check_instance, first_not_None, to_tuple
from import (
from import Expr, Symbol, Dummy, subscript, tensor_symbol
from hysop.constants import BoundaryCondition, BoundaryExtension, TransformType
from hysop.fields.continuous_field import Field, ScalarField, TensorField

[docs] class SpectralTransformUtils: """Class that contains userfull methods for SpectralTransform setup.""" cosine_transforms = ( TransformType.DCT_I, TransformType.DCT_II, TransformType.DCT_III, TransformType.DCT_IV, TransformType.IDCT_I, TransformType.IDCT_II, TransformType.IDCT_III, TransformType.IDCT_IV, ) sine_transforms = ( TransformType.DST_I, TransformType.DST_II, TransformType.DST_III, TransformType.DST_IV, TransformType.IDST_I, TransformType.IDST_II, TransformType.IDST_III, TransformType.IDST_IV, ) R2R_transforms = cosine_transforms + sine_transforms R2C_transforms = (TransformType.RFFT,) C2R_transforms = (TransformType.IRFFT,) C2C_transforms = (TransformType.FFT, TransformType.IFFT) forward_transforms = ( TransformType.FFT, TransformType.RFFT, TransformType.DST_I, TransformType.DST_II, TransformType.DST_III, TransformType.DST_IV, TransformType.DCT_I, TransformType.DCT_II, TransformType.DCT_III, TransformType.DCT_IV, ) backward_transforms = ( TransformType.IFFT, TransformType.IRFFT, TransformType.IDST_I, TransformType.IDST_II, TransformType.IDST_III, TransformType.IDST_IV, TransformType.IDCT_I, TransformType.IDCT_II, TransformType.IDCT_III, TransformType.IDCT_IV, )
[docs] @classmethod def is_cosine(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.cosine_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def is_sine(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.sine_transforms
@classmethod def is_R2C(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.R2C_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def is_R2R(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.R2R_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def is_R2C(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.R2C_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def is_C2R(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.C2R_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def is_C2C(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.C2C_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def is_forward(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.forward_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def is_backward(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform in cls.backward_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def is_none(cls, transform): check_instance(transform, TransformType) return transform is TransformType.NONE
[docs] @classmethod def get_transform_offsets(cls, transform): """Return left and right transform offsets.""" check_instance(transform, TransformType) if cls.is_R2R(transform): if transform is TransformType.DST_I: return (1, 1) elif transform is TransformType.DST_III: return (1, 0) elif transform is TransformType.DCT_III: return (0, 1) elif transform is TransformType.DCT_I: return (0, 0) else: msg = f"Unknown real to real forward transform {transform}." raise ValueError(msg) else: return (0, 0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_transform_resolution(cls, resolution, *transforms): resolution = to_tuple(resolution, cast=int) check_instance(transforms, tuple, values=TransformType, size=len(resolution)) dim = len(resolution) shape = [] transform_offsets = [] for i, (tr, si) in enumerate(zip(transforms[::-1], resolution)): (lo, ro) = cls.get_transform_offsets(tr) shape.append(si - lo - ro) transform_offsets.append((lo, ro)) return tuple(shape), tuple(transform_offsets)
[docs] @classmethod def compute_wave_numbers(cls, transform, N, L, ftype): """Compute wave numbers of a given transform.""" check_instance(transform, TransformType) check_instance(N, int) check_instance(L, float) assert is_fp(ftype) otype = ftype if transform is TransformType.FFT: freqs = 2.0 * np.pi * 1j * np.fft.fftfreq(n=N, d=L / N) otype = float_to_complex_dtype(ftype) elif transform is TransformType.RFFT: freqs = 2.0 * np.pi * 1j * np.fft.rfftfreq(n=N, d=L / N) otype = float_to_complex_dtype(ftype) elif transform in (TransformType.DCT_I, TransformType.DST_I): freqs = np.pi * (np.arange(N, dtype=ftype) + 0.0) / L elif transform in (TransformType.DCT_III, TransformType.DST_III): N -= 1 freqs = np.pi * (np.arange(N, dtype=ftype) + 0.5) / L else: msg = f"Unknown transform type {transform}." raise ValueError(msg) freqs = freqs.astype(otype, copy=True) return freqs
[docs] @classmethod def determine_output_dtype(cls, input_dtype, *transforms): """Compute output data type from input data type and list of forward transforms.""" dtype = input_dtype for tr in transforms: if cls.is_backward(tr): msg = "{} is not a forward transform." msg = msg.format(tr) raise ValueError(msg) elif cls.is_none(tr): continue elif cls.is_R2R(tr): msg = f"Expected a floating point data type but got {dtype}." assert is_fp(dtype), msg # data type does not change elif cls.is_R2C(tr): msg = f"Expected a floating point data type but got {dtype}." assert is_fp(dtype), msg dtype = float_to_complex_dtype(dtype) elif cls.is_C2R(tr): msg = f"Expected a complex data type but got {dtype}." assert is_complex(dtype), msg dtype = complex_to_float_dtype(dtype) elif cls.is_C2C(tr): msg = f"Expected a complex data type but got {dtype}." assert is_complex(dtype), msg # data type does not change else: msg = f"Unknown transform type {tr}." raise ValueError(msg) return np.dtype(dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def determine_input_dtype(cls, output_dtype, *transforms): """Compute input data type from output data type and list of backward transforms.""" backward_transforms = cls.get_inverse_transforms(*transforms) return cls.determine_output_dtype(output_dtype, *backward_transforms)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_expression(cls, expr, replace_pows=True): """ Extract all wave_numbers from expression. If replace_pow is set, all wave_numbers powers will have their own symbol and are replace in expression (this allows to precompute wavenumber powers). Returns parsed expression and a set of spectral transforms and a set of contained wave_numbers. """ from hysop.symbolic.spectral import WaveNumber, AppliedSpectralTransform wave_numbers = set() transforms = set() def _extract(expr): if isinstance(expr, WaveNumber): wave_numbers.add(expr) return expr elif isinstance(expr, AppliedSpectralTransform): transforms.add(expr) return expr elif ( replace_pows and isinstance(expr, sm.Pow) and isinstance(expr.args[0], WaveNumber) and isinstance(expr.args[1], (int, np.integer, sm.Integer)) ): wn = expr.args[0].pow(int(expr.args[1])) wave_numbers.add(wn) return wn elif isinstance(expr, (sm.Symbol, sm.Number)): return expr elif isinstance(expr, sm.Expr): args = () for a in expr.args: args += (_extract(a),) try: return expr.func(*args) except TypeError: msg = f"\nFATAL ERROR: Failed to rebuild expr {expr}" msg += f"\n type is {expr.func}" msg += "\n" print(msg) raise else: return expr expr = _extract(expr) return (expr, transforms, wave_numbers)
[docs] @classmethod def generate_wave_number(cls, transform, axis, exponent): """Create a new wavenumber. WaveNumbers are registered dummy symbols.""" from hysop.symbolic.spectral import WaveNumber return WaveNumber(transform=transform, axis=axis, exponent=exponent)
[docs] @classmethod def generate_wave_numbers(cls, *transforms): """ Generare a list of wave_numbers in transform order. Axis will match transform position. """ wave_numbers = () for i, tr in enumerate(transforms): wave_numbers += (cls.generate_wave_number(tr, i, 1),) return wave_numbers
[docs] @classmethod def transforms_from_field(cls, field, transformed_axes): """ Create a tuple of transforms by extracting field boundary conditions. Note that transforms are returned in natural ordering (ie. contiguous X-axis last). """ check_instance(field, ScalarField) boundaries = tuple( (lbd, rbd) for (lbd, rbd) in zip(field.lboundaries_kind, field.rboundaries_kind) ) transforms = cls.boundaries_to_transforms(boundaries[::-1], transformed_axes)[ ::-1 ] return transforms
[docs] @classmethod def boundaries_to_transforms(cls, boundaries, transformed_axes): """ Return a tuple of TransformType from a tuple of (left_boundaries, right_boundaries). """ check_instance(boundaries, tuple, values=tuple) extensions = cls.boundaries_to_extensions(boundaries) transforms = cls.extensions_to_transforms(extensions, transformed_axes) return transforms
[docs] @classmethod def boundaries_to_extensions(cls, boundaries): """Convert a BoundaryCondition pair tuple to a BoundaryExtension pair tuple.""" check_instance(boundaries, tuple, values=tuple) valid_boundary_pairs = ( (BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC, BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC), ( BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, ), ( BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, ), ( BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, ), ( BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, ), ) extensions = () for boundary_pair in boundaries: if boundary_pair not in valid_boundary_pairs: msg = "Invalid boundary pair {}, valid ones are\n *{}" msg = msg.format( boundary_pair, "\n *".join(str(vbp) for vbp in valid_boundary_pairs), ) raise ValueError(msg) (left_bd, right_bd) = boundary_pair left_ext = cls.boundary_to_extension(left_bd) right_ext = cls.boundary_to_extension(right_bd) extension_pair = (left_ext, right_ext) extensions += (extension_pair,) return extensions
[docs] @classmethod def boundary_to_extension(cls, boundary): """Convert a BoundaryCondition to a BoundaryExtension""" check_instance(boundary, BoundaryCondition) if boundary is BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC: return BoundaryExtension.PERIODIC elif boundary is BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN: return BoundaryExtension.EVEN elif boundary is BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET: return BoundaryExtension.ODD else: msg = f"Unknown boundary condition {boundary}." raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def extensions_to_transforms(cls, extensions, transformed_axes, is_complex=False): """Convert a BoundaryExtension pair tuple to a TransformType tuple.""" dim = len(extensions) transforms = () for i, extension_pair in enumerate(extensions): axis = dim - 1 - i if axis in transformed_axes: transform = cls.extension_to_transform( *extension_pair, is_complex=is_complex ) if is_complex and cls.is_R2R(transform): raise ValueError( "Data is complex but you try to apply a real to real transform." ) is_complex |= transform is TransformType.RFFT else: transform = TransformType.NONE transforms += (transform,) return transforms
[docs] @classmethod def extension_to_transform(cls, left_ext, right_ext, is_complex=False): """Convert a BoundaryExtension pair to a TransformType.""" check_instance(left_ext, BoundaryExtension) check_instance(right_ext, BoundaryExtension) valid_extension_pairs = ( (BoundaryExtension.PERIODIC, BoundaryExtension.PERIODIC), (BoundaryExtension.ODD, BoundaryExtension.ODD), (BoundaryExtension.EVEN, BoundaryExtension.ODD), (BoundaryExtension.ODD, BoundaryExtension.EVEN), (BoundaryExtension.EVEN, BoundaryExtension.EVEN), ) extension_pair = (left_ext, right_ext) msg = "Invalid domain extension pair {}, valid ones are\n *{}" msg = msg.format( extension_pair, "\n *".join(str(vep) for vep in valid_extension_pairs) ) if extension_pair not in valid_extension_pairs: raise ValueError(msg) if left_ext is BoundaryExtension.PERIODIC: if right_ext is not BoundaryExtension.PERIODIC: raise ValueError(msg) if is_complex: return TransformType.FFT else: return TransformType.RFFT elif left_ext is BoundaryExtension.EVEN: if right_ext is BoundaryExtension.EVEN: return TransformType.DCT_I elif right_ext is BoundaryExtension.ODD: return TransformType.DCT_III else: raise ValueError(msg) elif left_ext is BoundaryExtension.ODD: if right_ext is BoundaryExtension.EVEN: return TransformType.DST_III elif left_ext is BoundaryExtension.ODD: return TransformType.DST_I else: raise ValueError(msg) else: raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def get_inverse_transforms(cls, *transforms): """Get the inverse TransformType of a TransformType (for all input arguments).""" known_inverse_transforms = { TransformType.NONE: TransformType.NONE, TransformType.FFT: TransformType.IFFT, TransformType.RFFT: TransformType.IRFFT, TransformType.DCT_I: TransformType.IDCT_I, TransformType.DCT_II: TransformType.IDCT_II, TransformType.DCT_III: TransformType.IDCT_III, TransformType.DCT_IV: TransformType.IDCT_IV, TransformType.DST_I: TransformType.IDST_I, TransformType.DST_II: TransformType.IDST_II, TransformType.DST_III: TransformType.IDST_III, TransformType.DST_IV: TransformType.IDST_IV, TransformType.IFFT: TransformType.FFT, TransformType.IRFFT: TransformType.RFFT, TransformType.IDCT_I: TransformType.DCT_I, TransformType.IDCT_II: TransformType.DCT_II, TransformType.IDCT_III: TransformType.DCT_III, TransformType.IDCT_IV: TransformType.DCT_IV, TransformType.IDST_I: TransformType.DST_I, TransformType.IDST_II: TransformType.DST_II, TransformType.IDST_III: TransformType.DST_III, TransformType.IDST_IV: TransformType.DST_IV, } inverse_transforms = () for tr in transforms: if tr not in known_inverse_transforms: msg = f"Unknown transform {tr}." raise NotImplementedError(msg) itr = known_inverse_transforms[tr] inverse_transforms += (itr,) return inverse_transforms
[docs] @classmethod def get_conjugate_inverse_transforms(cls, *transforms): """Get the conjugate inverse TransformType (ie. inverse for odd derivatives).""" known_conjugate_inverse_transforms = { TransformType.NONE: TransformType.NONE, TransformType.FFT: TransformType.IFFT, TransformType.RFFT: TransformType.IRFFT, TransformType.DST_I: TransformType.IDCT_I, TransformType.DST_II: TransformType.IDCT_III, TransformType.DST_III: TransformType.IDCT_II, TransformType.DST_IV: TransformType.IDCT_IV, TransformType.DCT_I: TransformType.IDST_I, TransformType.DCT_II: TransformType.IDST_III, TransformType.DCT_III: TransformType.IDST_II, TransformType.DCT_IV: TransformType.IDST_IV, TransformType.IFFT: TransformType.FFT, TransformType.IRFFT: TransformType.RFFT, TransformType.IDST_I: TransformType.DCT_I, TransformType.IDST_III: TransformType.DCT_II, TransformType.IDST_II: TransformType.DCT_III, TransformType.IDST_IV: TransformType.DCT_IV, TransformType.IDCT_I: TransformType.DST_I, TransformType.IDCT_III: TransformType.DST_II, TransformType.IDCT_II: TransformType.DST_III, TransformType.IDCT_IV: TransformType.DST_IV, } conjugate_inverse_transforms = () for tr in transforms: if tr not in known_conjugate_inverse_transforms: msg = f"Unknown transform {tr}." raise NotImplementedError(msg) citr = known_conjugate_inverse_transforms[tr] conjugate_inverse_transforms += (citr,) return conjugate_inverse_transforms
[docs] def make_multivariate_trigonometric_polynomial(Xl, Xr, lboundaries, rboundaries, N): """ Build a tensor product of trigonometric polynomials satisfying boundary conditions on each axis. lboundaries: np.ndarray of BoundaryCondition rboundaries: np.ndarray of BoundaryCondition other parameters: scalar or array_like of the same size as boundary arrays All parameters are expanded to the size of the length of prescribed boundaries. See make_trigonometric_polynomial for more informations about parameters. This method returns a tuple (P,Y) where: P is a sympy expression representing a multivariate trigonometric polynomials in variables Y = (y0, y1, ..., yd) P(Y) = P0(y0) * P1(y1) * ... * Pd(yd) *d = lboundaries.size-1 = rboundaries.size-1 *P0 is a trigonometric polynomial of order N[0] that satisfies (lboundaries[0], rboundaries[0]) on domain [Xl[0], Xr[0]]. *P1 is a trigonometric polynomial of order N[1] that satisfies (lboundaries[1], rboundaries[1]) on domain [Xl[1], Xr[1]]. . . . *Pd is a trigonometric polynomial of order N[d] that satisfies (lboundaries[d], rboundaries[d]) on domain [Xl[d], Xr[d]]. """ check_instance(lboundaries, np.ndarray, values=BoundaryCondition, ndim=1, minsize=1) check_instance( rboundaries, np.ndarray, values=BoundaryCondition, size=lboundaries.size ) Xl = to_tuple(Xl) Xr = to_tuple(Xr) N = to_tuple(N) dim = max(len(Xl), len(Xr), len(N), lboundaries.size, rboundaries.size) def extend(t): if len(t) == 1: t *= dim return t Xl, Xr, N = extend(Xl), extend(Xr), extend(N) check_instance(Xl, tuple, size=dim) check_instance(Xr, tuple, size=dim) check_instance(N, tuple, values=int, size=dim) assert lboundaries.size == rboundaries.size == dim assert all(xl < xr for (xl, xr) in zip(Xl, Xr)) assert all(n >= 1 for n in N) _, Y = tensor_symbol("y", shape=(dim,)) P = 1 for xl, xr, lb, rb, n, yi in zip(Xl, Xr, lboundaries, rboundaries, N, Y): Px, xi = make_trigonometric_polynomial( Xl=xl, Xr=xr, lboundary=lb, rboundary=rb, N=n ) Py = Px.xreplace({xi: yi}) P *= Py return (P, Y)
[docs] def make_multivariate_polynomial(Xl, Xr, lboundaries, rboundaries, N, order): """ Build a tensor product of polynomials satisfying boundary conditions on each axis. lboundaries: np.ndarray of BoundaryCondition rboundaries: np.ndarray of BoundaryCondition other parameters: scalar or array_like of the same size as boundary arrays All parameters are expanded to the size of the length of prescribed boundaries. See make_polynomial for more informations about parameters. This method returns a tuple (P,Y) where: P is a sympy expression representing a multivariate polynomials in variables Y = (y0, y1, ..., yd) P(Y) = P0(y0) * P1(y1) * ... * Pd(yd) *d = lboundaries.size-1 = rboundaries.size-1 *P0 is a polynomial of order N[0] that satisfies (lboundaries[0], rboundaries[0]) on domain [Xl[0], Xr[0]] up to order order[0]. *P1 is a polynomial of order N[1] that satisfies (lboundaries[1], rboundaries[1]) on domain [Xl[1], Xr[1]] up to order order[1]. . . . *Pd is a polynomial of order N[d] that satisfies (lboundaries[d], rboundaries[d]) on domain [Xl[d], Xr[d]] up to order order[d]. """ check_instance(lboundaries, np.ndarray, values=BoundaryCondition, ndim=1, minsize=1) check_instance( rboundaries, np.ndarray, values=BoundaryCondition, size=lboundaries.size ) Xl = to_tuple(Xl) Xr = to_tuple(Xr) N = to_tuple(N) order = to_tuple(order) dim = max(len(Xl), len(Xr), len(N), len(order), lboundaries.size, rboundaries.size) def extend(t): if len(t) == 1: t *= dim return t Xl, Xr, N, order = extend(Xl), extend(Xr), extend(N), extend(order) check_instance(Xl, tuple, size=dim) check_instance(Xr, tuple, size=dim) check_instance(N, tuple, values=int, size=dim) check_instance(order, tuple, values=int, size=dim) assert lboundaries.size == rboundaries.size == dim assert all(xl < xr for (xl, xr) in zip(Xl, Xr)) assert all(o >= 2 for o in order) assert all(n > 2 * o for (o, n) in zip(order, N)) _, Y = tensor_symbol("y", shape=(dim,)) P = 1 for xl, xr, lb, rb, n, o, yi in zip(Xl, Xr, lboundaries, rboundaries, N, order, Y): Px, xi = make_polynomial(Xl=xl, Xr=xr, lboundary=lb, rboundary=rb, N=n, order=o) Py = Px.xreplace({xi: yi}) P *= Py return (P, Y)
[docs] def make_polynomial(Xl, Xr, lboundary, rboundary, N, order): """ Build a polynom of order N-1 between on domain [Xl, Xr] that verifies prescribed left and right boundary conditions up to a certain order. Conditions: Xl < Xr order >= 2 N > 2*order > 4 Valid boundary conditions are: (PERIODIC, PERIODIC) dPi/dxi(Xl) - dPi/dxi(Xr) = 0 (HDIRICHLET, HDIRICHLET) dPp/dxi(Xl) = dPp/dxi(Xr) = 0 for even derivatives (i%2==0) (HDIRICHLET, HNEUMANN) mix of the 2nd and 4th conditions (HNEUMANN, HDIRICHLET) mix of the 2nd and 4th conditions (HNEUMANN, HNEUMANN) dPi/dxi(Xl) = dPi/dxi(Xr) = 0 for odd derivatives (i%2==1) Return (P, X) where P is a sympy expression that represent the polynomial and X is the corresponding sympy.Symbol. """ check_instance(lboundary, BoundaryCondition) check_instance(rboundary, BoundaryCondition) check_instance(N, int) check_instance(order, int) x = sm.Symbol("x") a, A = tensor_symbol("a", shape=(N,)) def rand(*n): return 2.0 * (np.random.rand(*n) - 0.5) K = 2 * order assert Xl < Xr assert order >= 2 assert N > K if N > K: a[K + 1 :] = rand(N - K - 1) if (lboundary, rboundary) == ("DIRICHLET", "DIRICHLET"): a[K] = rand() else: a[0] = rand() P = sum(ai * (x**i) for (i, ai) in enumerate(a)) Pd = [P] for i in range(K): Pd.append(Pd[-1].diff(x)) eqs = [] for i in range(order): if lboundary is BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC: leq = Pd[2 * i].xreplace({x: Xl}) - Pd[2 * i].xreplace({x: Xr}) elif lboundary is BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN: leq = Pd[2 * i + 1].xreplace({x: Xl}) elif lboundary is BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET: leq = Pd[2 * i].xreplace({x: Xl}) else: msg = f"Unknown left boundary condition {lboundary}." raise NotImplementedError(msg) if rboundary is BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC: req = Pd[2 * i + 1].xreplace({x: Xl}) - Pd[2 * i + 1].xreplace({x: Xr}) elif rboundary is BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN: req = Pd[2 * i + 1].xreplace({x: Xr}) elif rboundary is BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET: req = Pd[2 * i].xreplace({x: Xr}) else: msg = f"Unknown right boundary condition {lboundary}." raise NotImplementedError(msg) if leq.free_symbols: eqs.append(leq) if req.free_symbols: eqs.append(req) sol = sm.solve(eqs) P = P.xreplace(sol) sol.update({ai: np.random.rand() for ai in P.free_symbols.intersection(A)}) P = P.xreplace(sol) P0 = sm.lambdify(x, sm.horner(P)) X = np.linspace(Xl, Xr, 1000) m, M = np.min(P0(X)), np.max(P0(X)) P /= M - m return sm.horner(P), x
[docs] def make_trigonometric_polynomial(Xl, Xr, lboundary, rboundary, N): """ Build a real trigonometric polynomial of order N-1 between on domain [Xl, Xr] that verifies prescribed left and right boundary conditions. Conditions: Xl < Xr N >= 1 Valid boundary conditions are: (PERIODIC, PERIODIC) (HDIRICHLET, HDIRICHLET) (HDIRICHLET, HNEUMANN) (HNEUMANN, HDIRICHLET) (HNEUMANN, HNEUMANN) Return (P, X) where P is a sympy expression that represent the polynomial and X is the corresponding sympy.Symbol. """ assert N >= 1 assert Xl < Xr def r(*n): return 2.0 * (np.random.rand(*n) - 0.5) x = sm.Symbol("x") y = (x - Xl) / (Xr - Xl) * (2 * sm.pi) boundaries = (lboundary, rboundary) if boundaries == (BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC, BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC): fn = lambda n: r() * sm.cos(n * y + sm.pi * r()) + r() * sm.sin( n * y + sm.pi * r() ) elif boundaries == ( BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, ): fn = lambda n: r() * sm.sin(n * y) elif boundaries == ( BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, ): fn = lambda n: r() * sm.sin((4 * n - 1) / 4.0 * y) elif boundaries == ( BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, ): fn = lambda n: r() * sm.cos((4 * n - 1) / 4.0 * y) elif boundaries == ( BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, ): fn = lambda n: r() * sm.cos(n * y) else: msg = f"Unknown right boundary condition pair {boundaries}." raise NotImplementedError(msg) P = sum(fn(i) for i in range(1, N + 1)) P0 = sm.lambdify(x, P) X = np.linspace(Xl, Xr, 1000) m, M = np.min(P0(X)), np.max(P0(X)) P *= 2.0 / (M - m) return (P, x)
[docs] class EnergyDumper: def __init__(self, energy_parameter, io_params, fname, **kwds): from hysop.parameters.buffer_parameter import BufferParameter super().__init__(**kwds) check_instance(io_params, IOParams) check_instance(io_params.filepath, str) check_instance(io_params.io_leader, int) filename = io_params.filename filename = filename.replace("{fname}", fname) filename = filename.replace("{ite}", "") assert "{fname}" not in filename assert "{ite}" not in filename assert io_params.frequency >= 0 check_instance(energy_parameter, BufferParameter) assert energy_parameter.size >= 2 assert energy_parameter.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64) should_write = io_params.io_leader == main_rank if should_write: ulp = np.finfo(energy_parameter.dtype).eps ** 4 formatter = {"float_kind": lambda x: f"{x:8.8f}"} if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) f = open(filename, "a") header = ( f"# Evolution of the power spectrum of {energy_parameter.pretty_name}" ) f.write(header) f.write( f"\n# with mean removed (first coefficient) and values clamped to ulp = epsilon^4 = {ulp}" ) f.write("\n# ITERATION TIME log10(max(POWER_SPECTRUM[1:], ulp)))") f.flush() else: f = None formatter = None ulp = None self.should_write = should_write self.energy_parameter = energy_parameter self.io_params = io_params self.file = f self.formatter = formatter self.ulp = ulp
[docs] def update(self, simulation, wait_for): if not self.should_write: return if not self.io_params.should_dump(simulation=simulation): return if wait_for is not None: wait_for.wait() assert self.file is not None energy = self.energy_parameter.value[1:].astype(dtype=np.float64) energy = np.log10(np.maximum(energy, self.ulp)) values = np.array2string( energy, formatter=self.formatter, max_line_width=np.inf ) values = f"\n{simulation.current_iteration} {simulation.t()} {values[1:-1]}" self.file.write(values) self.file.flush()
[docs] @classmethod def do_compute_energy(cls, *args): frequencies = set() for iop in args: if not isinstance(iop, IOParams): continue f = iop.frequency if f >= 0: frequencies.add(f) do_compute = len(frequencies) > 0 frequencies = frequencies if do_compute else None return do_compute, frequencies
[docs] @classmethod def build_energy_parameter(cls, do_compute, field, output_params, prefix): from hysop.parameters.buffer_parameter import BufferParameter if do_compute: pname = f"E{prefix}_{}" pename = f"E{prefix}_{field.pretty_name}" param = BufferParameter( name=pname, pretty_name=pename, shape=None, dtype=None, initial_value=None, ) assert param not in output_params, output_params.update({param}) else: param = None return param
[docs] class EnergyPlotter: def __init__( self, energy_parameters, io_params, fname, fig_title=None, axes_shape=(1,), figsize=(15, 9), basex=10, basey=10, **kwds, ): import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from hysop.parameters.buffer_parameter import BufferParameter super().__init__(**kwds) check_instance(io_params, IOParams) check_instance(axes_shape, tuple, minsize=1, allow_none=True) check_instance(energy_parameters, dict, values=BufferParameter) should_draw = io_params.visu_leader == main_rank filename = io_params.filename filename = filename.replace("{fname}", fname) assert "{ite}" in filename, filename assert io_params.frequency >= 0 if should_draw: fig, axes = plt.subplots(*axes_shape, figsize=figsize) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", self._on_key_press) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("close_event", self._on_close) axes = np.asarray(axes).reshape(axes_shape) ax = axes[0] if len(energy_parameters) == 1: default_fig_title = "Energy parameter {}".format( next(iter(energy_parameters.values())).pretty_name ) else: default_fig_title = "Energy parameters {}".format( " | ".join(p.pretty_name for p in energy_parameters.values()) ) fig_title = first_not_None(fig_title, default_fig_title) self.fig_title = fig_title xmax = 1 lines = () for label, p in energy_parameters.items(): assert p.size > 1 Ix = np.arange(1, p.size) xmax = max(xmax, p.size - 1) line = ax.plot( Ix, np.zeros(p.size - 1), "--o", label=label, markersize=3 )[0] lines += (line,) xmin = 1 pmax = math.ceil(math.log(xmax, basex)) xmax = basex**pmax if basex == 2 else 1.1 * xmax ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_title("t=None") ax.set_xlabel("Wavenumber") ax.set_ylabel("Energy") ax.set_xscale("log", basex=basex) ax.set_yscale("log", basey=basey) ax.legend(loc="upper right") ax.grid(True, which="major", ls="--", c="k") ax.grid(True, which="minor", ls=":") if basex == 2: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: str(int(round(x)))) ) else: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, pos: rf"$\mathbf{{{basex}^{{{int(round(math.log(x, basex)))}}}}}$" ) ) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, pos, ax=ax: rf"$^{{{int(round(math.log(x, basey)))}}}$" ) ) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, pos: rf"$\mathbf{{{basey}^{{{int(round(math.log(x, basey)))}}}}}$" ) ) running = True else: fig, axes = None, None lines = None running = False ulp = np.finfo( np.find_common_type([], list(p.dtype for p in energy_parameters.values())) ).eps ulp = 1e-4 * (ulp**2) self.fig = fig self.axes = axes self.lines = lines self.filename = filename self.io_params = io_params # see self.has_gui_running = hasattr(fig, "show") self.should_draw = should_draw self.basex = basex self.basey = basey self.energy_parameters = energy_parameters self.ulp = ulp self.plt = plt
[docs] def update(self, simulation, wait_for): if not self.should_draw: return if not self.io_params.should_dump(simulation=simulation): return if wait_for is not None: wait_for.wait() ite = simulation.current_iteration self._update_plot(ite, simulation.t()) self._draw() self._savefig(ite)
def _update_plot(self, iteration, time): ymin = np.PINF ymax = np.NINF for p, line in zip(self.energy_parameters.values(), self.lines): energy = p.value[1:] energy = np.maximum(energy, self.ulp) ymin = min(ymin, np.min(energy)) ymax = max(ymax, np.max(energy)) line.set_ydata(energy) basey = self.basey pmin = int(math.floor(math.log(ymin, basey))) pmax = int(math.ceil(math.log(ymax, basey))) if pmax == pmin: pmax += 1 max_majors = 8 nlevels = pmax - pmin + 1 nsubint = 1 while math.ceil(nlevels / float(nsubint)) > max_majors: nsubint += 1 pmax = int(math.ceil(pmax / float(nsubint))) * nsubint pmin = int(math.floor(pmin / float(nsubint))) * nsubint assert (pmax - pmin) % nsubint == 0 ymin = basey**pmin ymax = basey**pmax major_yticks = tuple(basey**i for i in range(pmin, pmax + 1, nsubint)) minor_yticks = tuple( basey**i for i in range(pmin, pmax + 1, 1) if i % nsubint != 0 ) ax = self.axes[0] ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(major_yticks) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(minor_yticks, minor=True) ax.set_title(f"{self.fig_title}\niteration={iteration}, t={time}") ax.relim() def _draw(self): if not self.has_gui_running: return self.fig.canvas.draw() self.plt.pause(0.001) def _savefig(self, iteration): filename = self.filename.format(ite=f"{iteration:05}") self.fig.savefig(filename, dpi=self.fig.dpi, bbox_inches="tight") def _on_close(self, event): self.has_gui_running = False def _on_key_press(self, event): key = event.key if key == "q": self.plt.close(self.fig) self.has_gui_running = False
if __name__ == "__main__": from import round_expr P = make_trigonometric_polynomial( -1.0, +1.0, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, 10, )[0] print(round_expr(P, 2)) print() P = make_polynomial( -1.0, +1.0, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, 10, 2, )[0] print(round_expr(P, 2)) print() lboundaries = np.asarray( [BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN, BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC] ) rboundaries = np.asarray( [BoundaryCondition.HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC] ) P = make_multivariate_trigonometric_polynomial( -1.0, +1.0, lboundaries, rboundaries, (3, 5) )[0] print(round_expr(P, 2)) print() P = make_multivariate_polynomial(-1.0, +1.0, lboundaries, rboundaries, (6, 10), 2)[ 0 ] print(round_expr(P, 2)) print()